General Enquiries 03455 211 811
Support Helpline 03455 211 300
Fundraising 03455 211 600

200 Club Terms and Conditions

  1. Participation in this lottery is open to supporters of SBH Scotland (Including SBH Scotland Board Members, Staff and Volunteers)
  2. The cost per month will be £10.00 per entry. Any participant can hold one or more entries.
  3. Participants must be 18 years or older.
  4. Entries can be made via our online registration page or you can download or request a registration form. Each entry will be assigned a number and this will be emailed/posted directly to the participant when they register to take part.
  5. Each Entry will be allocated a number. A record of names and numbers will be kept on our database, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations and SBH Scotland’s Privacy and Data Protection polices.
  6. SBH Scotland reserves the right to allow a maximum of 299 individuals to participate in the 200 Club draw.
  7. Draws will be held on the second Wednesday of each month. The draw will be generated using randomiser software with all purchased numbers.
  8. The prize fund will be 50% of the total number of entries paid for distributed to one winner each month.
  9. Prize winner will be informed as soon as possible after the draw by letter, telephone, text or email. The list of winners will be announced on SBH Scotland’s website and on their Facebook page.
  10. It is possible to withdraw at any time, simply cancel your payment with your bank. You must also inform SBH Scotland.
  11. SBH Scotland will not be responsible for any bank charges incurred by participants in the administration of their direct debit. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure they have sufficient funds available when payment is due.
  12. If your monthly direct debit fails 2 months in a row then your entry to the 200 club will be cancelled and your number allocated to someone else.

Please email or call 03455 211 600 if you have any queries.

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Because of you we provide a lifetime commitment of support. Please continue to support us or donate today. Thank you.

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