Christmas Appeal

Last Christmas Amber had her 29th surgery. There were no guarantees she would survive. She is just five years old. Your kind gift to our Appeal means this Christmas she can focus on fun with her friends which is crucial to her recovery. 

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SBH Scotland need to raise £1.4 million each year. Our services rely on donations to survive. It’s so hard for us to raise funds just now. So, this Christmas, will you give to make sure families like Amber’s get support in the face of challenges? Any donation you can give will have a big impact on the support we can give to all those who need our help, ensuring no one is left to cope alone. Thank you.

Donate NOW online

“Knowing the charity you fund were there for support gave Amber and I strength – it got our family through Christmas. As the mum of a child with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, it is really emotionally draining. It can be a very scary journey; you never know what’s around the corner. 
Thanks to an amazing team, funded by you, SBH Scotland has been in our lives since Amber was six weeks old.”  Leanne, Amber’s Mum

Donate NOW online

  • £10 donation can help make contact with a family in crisis, providing them with a dedicated support worker.
  • £20 donation can help fund sensory activities at groups, allowing children to have fun and enjoy playing with friends.
  • £50 donation can fund a support visit to a child staying in hospital. Giving families the strength to cope through the most challenging times. 
  • £100 donation can help fund our Family Support Groups across Scotland. A space where children and adults can be themselves. Where they can be proud of who they are. Where they can feel unstoppable.
  • £200 donation could provide a training session to nursery and school staff who support children with additional learning and physical challenges.

Donate NOW online

Other ways to Donate:

  • Call 03455 211 600 (Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm) to donate via Credit/Debit Card
  • Text SBHS to 70560 to donate £10 (Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message)
  • Send a Cheque, made payable to ‘SBH Scotland’ to SBH Scotland, The Dan Young Building, 6 Craighalbert Way, Dullatur, N. Lanarkshire, G68 0LS.


Other ways you can support SBH Scotland now and in the future...

  1. Set up a regular monthly gift to allow SBH Scotland to plan ahead safe in the knowledge that they have funding.
  2. Follow us on social media and share our posts with your friends and family. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok.
  3. Take on a challenge in 2025... 
  4. Leaving hope for future families in your will. We believe that everyone deserves a chance in life. If you do too, then leaving a charity legacy is an excellent way to ensure that your beliefs live on. SBH Scotland can now offer a FREE will writing service.

Support us

Because of you we provide a lifetime commitment of support. Please continue to support us or donate today. Thank you.

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