General Enquiries 03455 211 811
Support Helpline 03455 211 300
Fundraising 03455 211 600

Our history

An organisation created by parents; for parents and their children. Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland was founded in 1965 (then known as Scottish Spina Bifida Association) by a small group of enthusiastic parents who each had a child with spina bifida.

In order to address the needs of their children who had varying degrees of disability, it was absolutely paramount that a National Organisation should be formed to speak with one voice and to advocate for those needs from a perspective of personal knowledge and understanding. In those early days local parent groups emerged in various localities throughout Scotland and each formed their own committee which was represented on a national co-ordinating committee. As the years progressed local branches were formed and although these branches had a significant amount of autonomy they were ultimately accountable to the National Association's Management Committee.


50 years on, Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland's name now truly represents our current members and reflects the type of support we offer. We employ specialist staff who work across Scotland to provide a lifetime commitment of information, support and projects to all those affected by spina bifida, hydrocephalus and allied conditions.

Our vision

Scotland's voice for spina bifida, hydrocephalus and related conditions

"Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland seeks to increase public awareness and understanding of individuals with spina bifida and / or hydrocephalus and allied conditions. It aims to support all those affected to identify their needs and to empower them to make informed choices and decisions."

Find out more about our patrons and ambassadors, and what support is available here.

Support us

Because of you we provide a lifetime commitment of support. Please continue to support us or donate today. Thank you.

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Our latest news

Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defects
Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defectsA date is finally set for implementation of folic acid fortification in flour

Cumbernauld Farmers Market is back with a new indoor venue for Christmas!
Join us for a day not to be missed at our new indoor Cumbernauld Farmers Market

Minister praises innovative spina bifida service “helping disabled young people grow”
Offering a valuable link between children and adults services.

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