General Enquiries 03455 211 811
Support Helpline 03455 211 300
Fundraising 03455 211 600

How is Spina Bifida managed?

The baby will be seen by a paediatric surgeon or paediatric neurosurgeon shortly after birth.The surgeon will then decide whether the child should have surgery to repair the defect in the back.

This surgery will take place in a specialist unit usually within 48 hours. Some surgeons do not close the back surgically but leave it to heal without intervention.

Prospective parents who have had a baby with a neural tube defect, or who have a close relative with a neural tube defect, can be referred to a genetic counsellor to discuss the risk to future pregnancies.

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Our latest news

Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defects
Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defectsA date is finally set for implementation of folic acid fortification in flour

Cumbernauld Farmers Market is back with a new indoor venue for Christmas!
Join us for a day not to be missed at our new indoor Cumbernauld Farmers Market

Minister praises innovative spina bifida service “helping disabled young people grow”
Offering a valuable link between children and adults services.

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