General Enquiries 03455 211 811
Support Helpline 03455 211 300
Fundraising 03455 211 600

Why choose SBH Scotland?

Companies are increasingly aware of their corporate social responsibilities (CSR) within their local and broader national communities therefore supporting the work of charities has become a vital part of corporate key aims.

Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland is a Scotland wide charity supporting over 3,500 children, young people and adults, affected by spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus through specialist projects, home and hospital visits, youth clubs, advocacy, health check clinics, one to one key workers, peer support, and respite.

Our aim is simple. To add quality to life every day and you can be a big part of that.

Companies are discovering the benefits of supporting SBH Scotland as their nominated charity and we’d be delighted to discuss a possible partnership with you.

Watch our film below to find out about the successful partnership between PWC, through the Beyond Me Project, and SBH Scotland.

By contacting our Fundraising Team you can discover how well your CSR matches our ethos of support, information and advocacy in communities near you and we can work closely with you on a partnership, developing a range of activities/events that your employees are able to get involved in or work with each other on.

Best of all, not only can corporate partnerships raise money for a chosen objective, such as an essential piece of charity equipment or important project, but your colleagues become more motivated, have a chance to work with people from other departments and have fun.

Raising your profile

Sponsorship of events

Holding your own fundraising activities


Our latest news

Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defects
Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defectsA date is finally set for implementation of folic acid fortification in flour

Cumbernauld Farmers Market is back with a new indoor venue for Christmas!
Join us for a day not to be missed at our new indoor Cumbernauld Farmers Market

Minister praises innovative spina bifida service “helping disabled young people grow”
Offering a valuable link between children and adults services.

More news
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