General Enquiries 03455 211 811
Support Helpline 03455 211 300
Fundraising 03455 211 600

Holding your own fundraising activities

The list is endless as to what activity you can hold yourself or take part in. We would be delighted to explore opportunities with you and tailor events to suit your own staff size and resources.

A group of men holding a can collection for SBH Scotland

Here's a few ideas …

  • Duncan’s Dirty Deeds - Bob a Job for the 21st Century! Sponsor your colleagues to do a dirty deed!
  • Office Collections – Place a collection box in your office or reception
  • Dress Down/Theme Days – Employees pay to dress casually or in a specific theme such as St. Andrews Day, Halloween, Burns Day, Easter or Wimbledon
  • Coffee Mornings or Lunch Time Cake Sales
  • 5-A-Side Football Games – Start a tournament with all money raised from entry fees being donated
  • Sweepstakes

Throughout the year Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland are also involved with many sponsored challenge and running events ranging from diving with sharks and abseiling to 10k’s and triathalons. These are perfect events for individuals or to be undertaken by groups.

Many companies may also choose to donate any money raised at an annual ball or special company event.

Why choose SBH Scotland to support?

Want to attend one of our events instead? Find out more here.

Our latest news

Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defects
Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defectsA date is finally set for implementation of folic acid fortification in flour

Cumbernauld Farmers Market is back with a new indoor venue for Christmas!
Join us for a day not to be missed at our new indoor Cumbernauld Farmers Market

Minister praises innovative spina bifida service “helping disabled young people grow”
Offering a valuable link between children and adults services.

More news
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