General Enquiries 03455 211 811
Support Helpline 03455 211 300
Fundraising 03455 211 600

Why we need your help

We believe no one in Scotland should be left alone to cope with the affects of spina bifida or hydrocephalus. AND because of individuals like you no one has to...

"They're always in my whole family’s corner. My 3 year old has spina bifida and I would have been lost without this amazing organisation"

Now, more than ever, we need your help. For those already facing daily challenges, the cost-of-living crisis now looms heavily in families lives and our finance, benefits and specialist support services are needed more than ever.   

You can ensure all children, adults and families who are affected by the lifelong, complex disabilities of spina bifida and hydrocephalus receive the support they need at the most challenging of times.

Our individuals and families know they are not alone in coping, thanks to you.

Will you help us now? There are a number of ways that you, your family and friends can support us...

  1. DONATE online now to make a single donation or set up a regular monthly donation.
  2. Text ‘SMILE’ to 70450 to donate £5. This costs £5 plus a standard rate message.
  3. E-Corporate and Personal Greetings Cards - save the planet and donate the postage to charity
  4. Choose SBH Scotland as your workplace nominated charity for 2024.
  5. Attend our Lunch, Golf Day or Burns Supper in 2024
  6. Make a donation via cheque made payable to ‘SBH Scotland’ to:
    SBH Scotland, 6 Craighalbert Way, Dullatur, N. Lanarkshire, G68 0LS or call us on 03455 211 600 to make a donation by credit/debit card.
  7. Register for one of our exciting challenge events in 2024!
  8. Follow us on Facebook, TwitterX , Instagram  and TikTok and share our stories with your friends, work colleagues and family.

This year it will cost over £1.4 million to provide our extensive range of specialist services and with little statutory funding we rely almost solely on people like you getting involved, alongside the generosity of trusts and the goodwill of volunteers. We need you to continue.

For over 55 years SBH Scotland has provided a lifetime commitment of specialist support and information to all those affected by spina bifida, hydrocephalus and related conditions.

Every year our services are available, free of charge, to over 4,000 children, young people and adults across Scotland through a helpline, workshops, individual and family support, home and hospital visits, youth clubs, health check clinics, one to one key workers and respite.

THANK YOU for your support.

For more information please contact our Fundraising Team on 03455 211 600 or via email to find out how you can have a big impact on the lives of those we support today. Whatever you'd like to do for us, get in touch and we can work with you to make it happen.

Our latest news

Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defects
Bread and flour to be fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defectsA date is finally set for implementation of folic acid fortification in flour

Cumbernauld Farmers Market is back with a new indoor venue for Christmas!
Join us for a day not to be missed at our new indoor Cumbernauld Farmers Market

Minister praises innovative spina bifida service “helping disabled young people grow”
Offering a valuable link between children and adults services.

More news
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